Booking form

Booking is open for Berlin, April 26-May 2 -fill out the form below and I will message you back with appointments available!
For more information please visit INFO section (^_−)☆

Please include which design you have chosen, as well as the intended size and placement of the tattoo. You can see all available designs in the DESIGNS section.
To commission a custom design please include the information about the intended size and placement of the tattoo and add screenshots of my previous tattoos/designs that match your idea in one way or another so I could better understand what exactly in my art is appealing to you and use it in creating a design for you. Text descriptions are also very welcome.

I use my vision and skills to create the design that resonates best with your request and feels good for you to have on your body, and I ask you to be open to my suggestions and to give me room to interpret your request :)

Для Москвы и Петербурга я веду вэйт-лист внизу этой страницы ˚✧˖°